Stories of Kindness

We asked you to share stories of kindness from your everyday life. Read on and see how people like you are helping make the world a more kind and loving place!

I am kind because I am a nice friend. I play and share my toys. I let my friends go first. I also help my mom and dad do chores and stuff they need me to do. I tell people nice word and smile at them. I open doors and push elevator buttons for people. I listen as hard as I can to people.
Last spring my granddaughter and her friend (2nd graders) requested an appointment with the principal. They shared with her their idea for a "Buddy Bench" on the playground. This would be a place to go when students feel "left out," lonely, hurt, upset or angry, or just overwhelmed during recess. Students will know to go here if they feel like they could use a friend for some support. The girls won the Principal's Award and this summer painted their Buddy Bench, so it was ready when school starts!
- Deborah Wallace | Charlotte, NC
I'm 73, and my almost 4-year-old granddaughter gave me one of our Kindness bracelets, and told me how I should give it to someone who is kind, and tell them to pass it on to someone they thought was kind. It rather rocked me that she seemed to grasp the general concept of "paying it forward." Promoting, and rewarding, and acknowledging acts of kindness. I was so moved ... I don't think I'm capable of giving this one away. Please send me some I can give away. I don't wanna stop the flow!!!
- Tom Byrnes | San Pedro, CA
Like many, I evacuated from the path of Hurricane Florence. I spent a week in a motel before the roads home were cleared. An old friend read my location in a Facebook post and contacted the motel and paid my bill — an incredibly kind act, so generous and so unexpected. In response to my attempts to repay her, she instead asked that I pay it forward. Many in my home community were negatively affected by the storm. Some even lost their homes. My old friend’s kindness has inspired my own. I urge others to join us in support for those challenged by Florence in whatever ways you can. And to practice kindness each day.
My story is one of witness. I have a dear friend who wouldn’t want their name shared but does something that is so kind and thoughtful. He creates what he calls “blessing bags” and keeps them in his car to give to the homeless at traffic intersections, lights and other places. He uses Ziploc bags and fills them with every day necessities like a small bottle of water, a toothbrush and toothpaste, Band-Aids, or even a simple non-perishable snack. They’re kept in the back of his car so he has them at the ready to share with those who are truly in need. I was so moved when I heard of this simple gesture that can bring a huge amount of comfort to someone less fortunate.
My daughter and I were spending the night in Raleigh before she competes in the state fair horse show. We stayed right in the heart of NC State’s campus on Hillsborough Street. Wynn chose her favorite Indian food for dinner. She noticed a table of four college students across from us carefully dividing their bill by each cent. She asked me why they were doing that, and I explained that college students usually have a really tight budget. Going out to eat is a very special treat. She said that made her sad for them. We decided to pay it forward and buy their dinners, but we make sure to let them know we are Tarheels! - Jami Farris
Every Sunday, for 9 years, I go to have breakfast with my Mom, who is now 95. She lives in an Assisted Living facility. Because there was never much "new" to talk about with someone who's life was simple, I started telling my mother a joke every week. Unlike my mom, the community dining room is packed with men and women who aren't as lucky to have visitors. As time went on, and I learned who her neighbors were, I called them by name as I passed them on the way to Mom's table. Little by slowly, I'd stop by one table, then two and then all of the them, to share this week’s joke. It went over very well. They'd laugh and grab my hand to thank me for stopping by. Today, I stopped by at lunch & dinner and the "After Church Social" to tell my new joke to anyone and everyone who will listen. I am told by staff and residents alike how much it means to them for me to be a part of their day. The pleasure is all mine as I truly love the attention. Knock, Knock. Who's there? Boo! Boo Who? Don't cry. It's just a joke. P.S. My mother's name is Corinne T. Cardillo, or "CTC" - Alice Crandall
While waiting to get my breakfast this morning at Dunkin Donuts on South Blvd I watched something great happen. A young well dressed couple came in with their baby to get some breakfast before church. The man in line behind them heard them talking about how neither one of them knew how to tie a tie and he offered to help. This is what community is all about.