Summer Camp | Handbook

Camps are held at ImaginOn, 300 E 7th St. Charlotte, NC 28202 | MAP
CPCC Levine Campus, Levine Building III; 2800 Campus Ridge Rd Suite 1113, Matthews, NC 28105 | MAP
Gaston Day School, 2001 Gaston Day School Rd | Gastonia, NC 28056 | MAP

Education Team

EG Engle, Director of Education
Mary Katherine Smith, Camps & Community Programs Manager
Morgan Southard, Education Program Manager
Karen Steele, Resident Teaching Artist
Breana Venablé, Resident Teaching Artist
Contact the Education Team
Meet our Teaching Artists
Early Childhood Camp Orientation
Early Childhood parents and guardians are asked to attend the first 15 minutes of the first day of camp for a brief orientation. NOTE: Early Childhood campers must be 3 by June 1st, 2024, and be fully-potty trained (able to use the restroom independently). Parking will be available underneath ImaginOn and can be accessed on 6th St. There are no orientations for all other Summer Camp programs.

  Friday Sharings & Showcases

All camps have a performance on Fridays. 
Camp Age / Grade Sharing Time
Early Childhood Camps Ages 3-5 Friday, 11:30 AM
Primary Camps K-2nd Grade Friday, 2 PM
Performance Camps 3rd-6th Grade Friday, 3 PM
One-week Teen Acting & BTS* 7th-12th Grade Friday, 4 PM
Two-week Teen Acting & BTS*
at ImaginOn
7th-12th Grade Friday, 7 PM
& Saturday, 2 PM
Two-week Teen Acting & BTS*
at CPCC Levine (Matthews)
7th-12th Grade Friday, 5:30 PM
One-Week Teen Acting at CPCC Levine (Matthews) 7th-12th Grade Friday 4:30 PM
*BTS - Behind the Scenes

  Communication With Families

We are committed to providing you with all the information needed to be prepared and have a wonderful camp experience!
  • Three weeks prior to the first day of camp you will receive a reminder email with brief information about your camp and a reminder about our cancellation policy. This reminder is sent to the email address you used at registration.
  • Wednesday prior to the first day of camp you will receive an email with important information about camp. If you do not receive this email, please contact the Education Department.
  • Wednesday during the week of your child’s camp, you will receive an email with important information regarding your child’s Sharing/Showcase that Friday.

  Policies and Other Information

Click on a heading to learn more...
Summer Camp Staff
  • Children's Theatre of Charlotte is proud to employ theatre arts educators who hold personal creative drive and professionalism in our classrooms to inspire young people to excel on stage, and in life.
  • We strive to recruit highly qualified Teaching Artists who are equipped with extensive experience, training, and passion for creating a culture of creativity, nurture, and excitement for the next generation of theatre enthusiasts.
  • All Summer Camp Counselors are required to complete a minimum of 40 training hours including, but not limited to: First-Aid, CPR, and AED.
  • Our High School Junior Interns are handpicked from the community of experienced and responsible young adults eager to learn from industry professionals in the field.
  • We take pride in the expectations we set for our Summer Staff and hold them to the highest standard.

Inclusive Classrooms
All classes and camps at Children’s Theatre of Charlotte are inclusive. Open communication with families helps us create a successful environment for every student. The Education Staff will note any allergies, chronic illness, or medical conditions that were listed on your registration form. This information is only shared with Education Staff as necessary.
Contact Mary Katherine Smith if you want to discuss your child's needs further or have any tips or strategies to help them be successful.

Lunch / Snack Policy
Snacks (all camps) and lunches (full-day camps only) should be packed with campers daily. Children’s Theatre of Charlotte is a nut-free facility, so no nut products of any kind should be packed with campers in snacks or lunches. If campers have nut products packed, they will be isolated from the other campers during snack/lunch time that day and the administration will make a call home to parents/guardians.

Absence Policy
Students should plan to attend the entire week(s) of camp. Each camp day builds on activities from the previous day, and absences affect preparation for the Sharings and Showcases on Friday. There are no refunds or make-up sessions for missed camps. For illnesses or other sudden unavoidable absences notify the Education Department.

Discipline Policy
Our goal is that every child will have a wonderful experience during their camp week, and we encourage positive reinforcement and conflict management and resolution. In the case that we encounter behavior that negatively impacts the camp environment, the following incremental course of action will be taken:
  1. Teaching Artist/Summer Staff will talk with the child individually.
  2. Camper is asked to step away from the camp activity until the Teaching Artist/Summer Staff invites the camper to return.
  3. Teaching Artist/Summer Staff will speak with the parent/guardian after camp or a Education Administrative Staff member will call home to speak with the parent/guardian.
  4. If the behavior continues, Education Administrative Staff contacts the parent/guardian where further action is determined. Grounds for immediate suspension or removal include but are not limited to causing physical harm, putting him/herself or other students in danger, and harmful behaviors towards staff.

Inclement Weather & Building Closings
If the ImaginOn building is closed due to severe weather or some other emergency, we will not hold camps. We will send out a text alert through EZ Text. Please make sure your account has your current cell number listed as the preferred number. Text alerts will be sent to the preferred number. You may also check the homepage for updated information.

Illness & Emergencies
Students exhibiting the following symptoms are not permitted to attend camp:
• Fever - Defined as having a temperature of 100.5°F or higher.
• Vomiting - Students must be vomit-free for a minimum of 12 hours. 
• Rash or Spots - Defined as frequent scratching of the body or scalp, lice, rash, or any other spots that resemble childhood diseases, including ringworm.
If a camper becomes ill during camp, the parent/guardian will be contacted to pick them up. If they cannot be reached, the staff will call the emergency contact listed on the registration form. In the event of a serious emergency, 911 will be called first.

We generally do not administer drugs of any type. This includes over-the-counter medicines like Tylenol, Advil, etc. Our basic policy is that all medication must be self-administered by the student, although we evaluate each special case individually. If the medicine must be administered by a parent/guardian, we are happy to make any arrangements. Please enter any important allergies, chronic illness, or medical conditions during the registration process. If you have already registered and would like to add this information, please contact our Education Department.

Refund, Transfer, & Denial of Camp Services
Refunds: Full refunds are available for cancellations two weeks prior to the camp start date. Transfers can be made for emergency circumstances following that time, if available. As of the first day of camp, all sales are final.
Refund / Transfer Request

Denial of Service: Refunds will not be granted for denial of services. Children’s Theatre of Charlotte reserves the right to deny camp services if one or more of the following conditions exist:
  • The camper refuses to participate in the program.
  • The camper causes physical harm to another child or staff member.
  • The staff cannot provide adequate or safe care to other campers due to the behaviors of the camper.

  Videography & Photography

Videography and photography are permitted for most Sharings and Showcases except when prohibited by copyright law. Recordings are for at home, personal use only. Please don’t post these on social media. We ask you to avoid flash photography of any kind during the performance. Children’s Theatre of Charlotte does not produce or sell videotapes. Photographs of students in camp taken by Education Staff may be used in promotional materials.
Early Childhood Camps (ages 3-5) Yes Yes
Primary Camps (rising K-2nd Grade) Yes Yes
Performance  Camps (rising 3rd-6th Grade)
The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe No No
Disney’s Aladdin KIDS  Yes Yes
Disney’s 101 Dalmatians KIDS Yes Yes
Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, Jr. Yes Yes  
Teen Studios & SummerStage (rising 7th-12th Grade)
ALL 1-week Teen Studios Yes Yes  
Beetlejuice, Jr.  No No
Hamlet and Zombies No No
Disney’s Camp Rock the Musical Yes Yes
Chicago : Teen Edition No No
Shakespeare Repertory Company Yes Yes

Have Any Questions?

Box Office / Customer Service
Email | 704-973-2828 (12-5 PM, M-F)
Summer Camp Admin Team (8 AM - 6 PM)
Education Operations & Administrative Manager
Email | 704-973-2837
Camps & Community Programs Manager
Mary Katherine Smith | 704-973-2835
Website | 704-416-4600

Summer Camp Office Hours
Mon - Fri 8:15-5:15 PM
Sat & Sun - Closed
Summer Camp offices will be closed the week of July 1-5
Tax Information
Our Tax ID number is 56-1028031.
Thank you for participating in the education programs at Children's Theatre of Charlotte!