Resource Guide - Tiara's Hat Parade

About the show

Spirited Tiara never misses a moment to be her Momma’s go-to hat model. She twirls around the shop, telling stories and bringing joy to all of their customers. But when a new store opens in town, the family business is threatened. Momma feels pressed to set her dreams aside and find another job. Tiara has an idea though to turn things around. This touching story shows how one small gesture can impact an entire community and that kindness is always in fashion.
This production is part of The Kindness Project .
THEMES: Kindness, community, culture, courage

The BIG questions before the show

  1. Tiara loves modeling the hats Momma creates. Is there something you enjoy doing with a friend or loved one? What is it? How do you feel when you do that activity?
  2. One way we can show someone we care about them is to do something kind.  What was one time you did an act of kindness for someone?
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.(K-5).2: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. 

Vocabulary enrichment

Pick three words from the list and use them in an original sentence or paragraph. You can also draw a picture, illustrating the definitions.
  • Knack - to have an ability
  • Sashay - to walk with long, smooth steps
  • Milliner - someone who designs and creates hats and headwear
  • Craftsmanship - the quality of a design or piece of art that demonstrates a high level of skill
  • Exceptional - incredible, above all others
  • Preakness - the name of a horse race held in Baltimore, Maryland
  • Inducted - to formally introduce someone to a position or organization 
  • Avant Garde - artistically experimental
  • Coveted - desired or envied
  • Callus - a patch of hardened skin caused by repetitive work
  • Extravaganza - a spectacular production
CCSS.ELA - Literacy.L.(K - 5).4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple - meaning words and phrases.


Journal and Draw
Set the timer for 5 minutes and have your students write on the prompt “I am kind when I...“ When the timer is up, have them draw a picture that matches their journal entry.
CCSS.ELA - Literacy.W.2.3: Write narratives in which they recount a well - elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. | NCES.2.V.2.3: Create art from real and imaginary sources of inspiration. 

The Smile Game
Draw a smiley face on a ball or bean bag. Play some upbeat music and have your students pass the smile around. Whoever is holding the smiley face when the music stops has to do something to make the class smile. They can tell jokes, do a silly dance, or whatever creative thing they can think of.
NCES.2.MEH.1: Demonstrate healthy expression of emotions, mental wellness, and healthy behavior.

Meet the playwright Paige Hernandez

Paige HernandezPaige Hernandez is a performer, director, choreographer, and playwright. In 2011 she started her own company, B - FLY ENTERTAINMENT where they specialize in productions of “all art mediums that speak to a multi faceted hip hop generation.” B - FLY ENTERTAINMENT produces original shows, tours internationally, and offers workshops and master classes. She is the Associate Artistic Director of Everyman Theatre in Baltimore, Maryland and she has also been appointed to the Maryland State Arts Council by Governor Wes Moore. Paige describes herself on her website as a “multidisciplinary creative.”

The BIG questions after the show

  1. Momma must close her hat business after the big hat store comes to town. How do you think she felt? Have you ever felt that way? When?
  2. Beautiful hats are important to Tiara’s family and her culture. What is something that is important to your family or culture?
  3. What act of kindness does Tiara do for Momma? How do you think she managed to get it done?
CCSS.ELA - Literacy.SL.(K - 5).2: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally or through other media. | NCES - TheaArts.2.TA.A.1.2: Analyze the relationships between events, characters, and settings.


Classroom Hat Parade
Using the hat worksheet, have students design their very own hat.  Encourage them to think outside the box. They can use crayons, markers, colored pencils, or whatever materials you want to make available to them. When they have completed their hats, cut them out and attach them to a strip of paper for a headband.  Have them wear their hats and perform their own hat parade. 
NCES.2.V.2.3: Create art from real and imaginary sources of inspiration. | NCES.2.V.3.1: Use a variety of tools safely and appropriately to create art.

Have your students get into groups of 3 - 4 and have them act out a story of someone doing a random act of kindness.  Before doing this, it might be helpful to create a list of random acts of kindness as a class to inspire them. 
NCES.2.CR.1.1: Improvise a variety of characters in given scenarios using dramatic play.

Kindness Rocks Garden
Using smooth rocks and paint, have your students decorate rocks with kind messages and artwork. These rocks can decorate a dedicated area in your classroom to inspire kindness in your classroom. 
NCES.2.V.2.3: Create art from real and imaginary sources of inspiration. | NCES.2.V.3.1: Use a variety of tools safely and appropriately to create art. | NCES.2.MEH.1: Demonstrate healthy expression of emotions, mental wellness, and healthy behavior.

Talk about jobs in the theatre

Every play Children’s Theatre of Charlotte produces is created by a talented team of designers, technicians, actors and a director. As a class, discuss what you experienced when you saw the performance.
  1. Name three things you noticed about the set. Did the set help tell the story? What sort of set would you design?
  2. What did you like about the costumes? Did the costumes help tell the story? What sort of costumes would you design?
  3. Talk about the actors. Were there moments you were so caught up in the story you forgot you were watching a play?
  4. Were there any actors who played more than one character? What are some ways you can show you are a different character?
NCES-TheaArts.(K-5).TA.A.1: Analyze literary texts and performances. NCES-TheaArts.(K-5).TA.AE.1.2: Understand how costumes [and technical elements] enhance dramatic play.

Recommended Reading

If you enjoyed the show, travel to ImaginOn or your local Charlotte Mecklenburg library branch and check out these books. Check availability at

Tiara's Hat Parade
Adapted for the stage by Paige Hernandez | Based on the book written by Kelly Starling Lyons