Stories of Kindness
We asked you to share stories of kindness from your everyday life. Read on and see how people like you are helping make the world a more kind and loving place!
I am kind because I am a nice friend. I play and share my toys. I let my friends go first. I also help my mom and dad do chores and stuff they need me to do. I tell people nice word and smile at them. I open doors and push elevator buttons for people. I listen as hard as I can to people.

- Deborah Wallace | Charlotte, NC

- Tom Byrnes | San Pedro, CA
Like many, I evacuated from the path of Hurricane Florence. I spent a week in a motel before the roads home were cleared. An old friend read my location in a Facebook post and contacted the motel and paid my bill — an incredibly kind act, so generous and so unexpected. In response to my attempts to repay her, she instead asked that I pay it forward. Many in my home community were negatively affected by the storm. Some even lost their homes. My old friend’s kindness has inspired my own. I urge others to join us in support for those challenged by Florence in whatever ways you can. And to practice kindness each day.
My story is one of witness. I have a dear friend who wouldn’t want their name shared but does something that is so kind and thoughtful. He creates what he calls “blessing bags” and keeps them in his car to give to the homeless at traffic intersections, lights and other places. He uses Ziploc bags and fills them with every day necessities like a small bottle of water, a toothbrush and toothpaste, Band-Aids, or even a simple non-perishable snack. They’re kept in the back of his car so he has them at the ready to share with those who are truly in need. I was so moved when I heard of this simple gesture that can bring a huge amount of comfort to someone less fortunate.