The Night Diary

Adapted for the stage by Mukta Phatak
Based on the book THE NIGHT DIARY by Veera Hiranandani
Book cover illustration used by permission of Penguin Random House | Designed and illustrated by Kelley Brady
Dramaturgy by Anurag Wadehra | Producing Partner EnActe Arts

One girl’s search for home leads her to discover her true self.

Mar 10-26, 2023 | Wells Fargo Playhouse
1 Act, approx. 80 minutes | For ages 8+

Twelve-year-old Nisha is half-Muslim and half-Hindu struggling to figure out where she belongs. Her personal conflict deepens as India - the country she lives in - is divided into pieces during the Partition of 1947. When her father decides it’s too dangerous to stay where they are, they embark on a long and dangerous journey as refugees. Told through her journal entries to her mother, this stirring and heartfelt story reminds us that home is more than a place. It’s a feeling and a sense of belonging that comes from within.
►Click here to learn more about how we developed this show.
►Click here to hear an NPR interview with The Night Diary author Veera Hiranandani.
Themes: Identity, loss, hopefulness
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The Night Diary

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