Allie Kazan and the Magic Mansion

Book by Jahnna Beecham
Songs by Malcolm Hillgartner
Arrangements by William Congdon
Magic by Steve Marshall

Five are called but only one can win. Let the mystery unravel and the magic begin.

Feb 4-19, 2023 | McColl Family Theatre
1 Act, approx. 60 minutes | For ages 6+

You won’t believe your eyes as finalists at the 50th anniversary of the Young Masters of Magic competition face-off for the prized Golden Key. Who will win Marvellini’s prized possession that unlocks the secrets to the master magician’s greatest illusions? Don’t miss this brand-new musical where Allie and company keep you wondering - what’s real and what’s magic?
Themes: Magic, mystery, adventure
See Some Magic How to Write a Musical View Playbill

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Allie Kazan and the Magic Mansion Show artwork by Billie de Buitléar

Special Activities

  • BookWalk - self-guided "scavenger hunt." Explore ImaginOn and discover the pages of Rabbit Magic by Meg McLaren located in frames around the building. Library staff can offer clues or hints, and prizes are available at the Spangler desk for participation, regardless of completion.

Links & Resources