Confessions of a Former Bully

Adapted for the stage by Michelle Hoppe-Long
Based on the books Confessions of a Former Bully by Trudy Ludwig, Illustrated by Beth Adams; and My Secret Bully by Trudy Ludwig, Illustrated by Abigail Marble

A tough subject takes center stage and explores how to heal after the hurt.

Jan 14-22, 2023 | Wells Fargo Playhouse
1 Act, approx. 50 minutes | For ages 7+

When Katie, who never considered herself a bully, repeatedly teases classmate Monica, it pushes their friendship to a tipping point. Katie’s hurtful words and behavior lead her to the principal’s office to deal with the consequence of her actions with a counselor. Will she be able to salvage a friendship and regain the trust of her peers? Told from the perspective of the bully and the bullied, this story makes everyone consider how they treat others and want to be treated themselves.
Themes: Bullying, friendship
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Confessions of a Former Bully

Special Activities

  • BookWalk - self-guided "scavenger hunt." Explore ImaginOn and discover the pages of Llama Llama Bully Goat by Anna Dewdney, located in frames around the building. Library staff can offer clues or hints, and prizes are available at the Spangler desk for participation, regardless of completion.
  • Jan 14, 10:30 AM
    Family Storytime: Friendship
  • Jan 14, 2 PM
    Family Storytime: Kindness Rocks!

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